Deep Tissue, Sports & Remedial

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy in Christchurch, Ringwood & Verwood

An experienced and highly qualified massage practitioner can help you resolve your issues and maintain a life with reduced pain and irritation.

Our deep tissue, sports or remedial massage can minimise acute or chronic pain and break down tight muscle areas and scar tissue quickly and effectively – so you can carry on performing at your best.

To discuss your needs with an experienced practitioner call 01425 473093

Common problems we treat

Whether you want to relieve a specific pain, de-stress, improve athletic performance or ease muscle tension, massage therapy can be an effective longer-term solution.​

Back Pain
Shoulder Pain
Neck Pain
Ankle Pain
Elbow Pain
Hip Pain
Knee Pain
Heel Pain

Types of massages

Our approach

Here at Body Consultancy, we offer 3 phases of care which will help to treat, stablise and maintain your condition:


We believe in working with the whole person – not just the painful area. So we’ll spend time really understanding not only your current symptoms but your daily activities, interests, experiences and goals.


We’ll advise you on what needs to change in the way you, move and hold yourself so that your problem doesn’t re-occur. We’ll help you build new habits to support your continued progress to full mobility and movement.


 This ongoing phase is usually especially important for conditions we refer to as chronic (over 6 months), sub-acute (over 3 months) or acute (last few weeks) with significant re-occurring previous episodes.

How much will massage therapy cost?

Once you have met one of our massage therapists for your complimentary consultation, we will be able to provide you with a plan based on your requirements.

Our massage therapists


Massage therapy at Christchurch, Ringwood and Verwood Body Consultancy focuses on relaxation and relieving muscle tension. The duration of results varies, but many people experience immediate benefits, such as reduced stress and improved flexibility. Regular sessions can contribute to long-term well-being, but individual effectiveness varies. It’s a great way to unwind, and consistent appointments may enhance the overall impact.

Massage therapy has ancient origins, dating back thousands of years. It can be traced to various cultures, including ancient China, India, Egypt, and Greece. The practice evolved independently in different regions, with diverse techniques and purposes. Massages were initially used for healing, relaxation, and promoting overall wellness. Over time, different civilisations contributed to the development of massage therapy, creating a rich tapestry of methods and approaches that continue to be refined and adapted today.

Yes, massage therapy is often considered a complementary therapy. It is frequently used alongside conventional medical treatments to enhance overall well-being, reduce stress, alleviate muscle tension, and promote relaxation. While it may not replace medical interventions, it can complement and support various healthcare approaches. Many people find value in combining massage therapy with other forms of treatment to address both physical and mental health aspects.

Massage therapy is generally considered effective for promoting relaxation, reducing muscle tension, and providing a sense of well-being. Its mechanisms include increased blood flow, improved lymphatic drainage, and the release of endorphins—natural painkillers and mood elevators.

While many people find benefit from massage, its effectiveness can vary depending on individual health conditions and preferences. Scientific studies support its efficacy for certain purposes, such as managing stress and easing certain types of pain. However, like many holistic approaches, individual responses can differ, and more research is ongoing to explore its broader health impacts.