DNS – What is it and how can it help me?

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation

DNS is an easy way of saying Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation. Simply put, this concept is a rehabilitation approach that is designed for everyone and anyone. It is an approach that controls movement centres in the brain and encourages our bodies to move how they are supposed to move. In order to do this is we need to get moving like babies again, similar to the way we did in the first two years of our life.

Why is DNS good for us?

Functional movement and being able to stabilise whilst moving is essential for everyday life and is required for correct spinal support. Every issue we have with movement; a tight muscle, a weak muscle or a restricted joint can generally be attributed to an underlying stability issue.
There is a considerable amount of evidence to suggest that functional movement dysfunction is a potential risk factor for injuries. If a muscle is not doing its job properly, the stabilisation system is disturbed, and movement is compromised which inevitably leads to injury. Other muscles will lend a hand, but the level of imbalance will overload those muscles as well. This can then lead to, not only a continuum, but also a multitude of injuries. So in simple terms if you catch instability early you have less risks of suffering a more complicated injury.

DNS v Physical Fitness Training

In a study carried out within the last year, the findings suggested that in comparison to physical fitness training, DNS was more successful in improving the functional movement of individuals and subsequently avoiding injury. Both the physical fitness training and the DNS group made significant progression however the rate of progression was 12% better in the DNS group. Not only does it improve our spinal stability, but it promotes a mind-body awareness where natural joint movement eventually feels normal, confirming that DNS can in fact be for absolutely everyone.

DNS is as we mentioned earlier based on developmental movement patterns, it basically restores the bodies ability to stabilise itself instinctually. Its how we all learn to move when we are babies and toddlers. Though the techniques don’t require that you wear nappies and onesies.   Its fun and easily learnt, though initially hard to master. Once you have the basics under your belt it can be adapted and progressed for any purpose, sport activity or personal movement goal.

It now taught across the world from elite sports, rehabilitation clinics  to over 80’s exercise classes.

We absolutely love it and think you might too.